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Student Forms
Info for Students
Feeling Safe at SchoolThis fact sheet is about making sure you know how to keep safe. It gives you the facts about what to do if someone is hurting you or your friends or making you feel unsafe.PDF, 65 KB
Family Contract for Online SafetyKids' and Parents' Pledge safe and fun learning on the internet.PDF, 14 KB
Parent Contributions
School Policies
Administration of Medication PolicyPDF, 204 KB
Anaphylaxis Management PolicyTo manage students at risk of anaphylaxis.PDF, 221 KB
Asthma PolicyTo manage asthma as effectively and efficiently as possible at school.PDF, 287 KB
Attendance PolicyAll children enrolled in school are to attend every day the school is open for instruction, and have a shared understanding of the importance of attending school.PDF, 249 KB
Behaviour Management PolicyThe School has measures in place to ensure all students enjoy the same level of access to the school’s curriculum and co-curricular programs.PDF, 172 KB
Bullying Prevention PolicyPDF, 113 KB
Camps and ExcursionsPDF, 233 KB
Cash handling PolicyPDF, 135 KB
Child Safe Code of ConductPDF, 154 KB
Child Safety and Wellbeing PolicyPDF, 235 KB
Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and ProceduresPDF, 237 KB
Curriculum Framework PolicyOur school encourages our students to strive for excellence in all of their endeavours.PDF, 72 KB
Digital Learning PolicyPDF, 78 KB
Duty of care PolicyPDF, 182 KB
Electronic Funds Managemnt Policy 2023PDF, 202 KB
Enrolment Policy with designated zone mapPDF, 277 KB
First Aid PolicyPDF, 220 KB
GSPS Uniform PolicyPDF, 178 KB
Guthrie Street PS Statement of Values and School PhilosophyPDF, 167 KB
Health care needs PolicyPDF, 220 KB
Homework PolicyHomework is one way of supporting life-long learning and connecting families with the learning of their children.PDF, 460 KB
Inclusion and Diversity PolicyPDF, 170 KB
Internet banking Policy 2023PDF, 150 KB
Investment PolicyTo ensure maximum interest returns on low-risk investments.PDF, 365 KB
Mobile Phones Student Use PolicyOur policy requirements and expectations relating to students using mobile phones during school hours.PDF, 532 KB
Parent Complaints PolicyPDF, 200 KB
Parent Payment PolicyPDF, 348 KB
Photographing Filming and Recording students at Guthrie Street Primary SchoolPDF, 188 KB
Refund Policy 2023PDF, 138 KB
School Purchasing Card Policy 2023PDF, 208 KB
Schools Privacy Policy EnglishPDF, 227 KB
Statement of Commitment to Child SafetyThe safety and wellbeing of all children will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making.PDF, 96 KB
Student Wellbeing and Engagement PolicyPDF, 137 KB
SunSmart PolicyToo much UV from the sun can cause sunburn, skin damage, eye damage and skin cancer.PDF, 196 KB
Visitors PolicyPDF, 191 KB
Volunteers PolicyPDF, 197 KB
Yard Duty and Supervision PolicyPDF, 1.7 MB
Info for Parents
2022 Annual ReportPDF, 502 KB
2023 Annual ReportPDF, 560 KB
Deaf Education Program - Parent Information FlyerThe Shepparton Deaf Facility based at Guthrie Street Primary School, was established in 1995 to provide for Deaf and hard of hearing children who require ‘Intensive Language Support’.PDF, 539 KB
Family Contract for Online SafetyKids' and Parents' Pledge safe and fun learning on the internet.PDF, 14 KB
GSPS Uniform photoPDF, 94 KB
KESO FlyerPDF, 553 KB
Lunch OrderPDF, 365 KB
Privacy Collection NoticePDF, 169 KB
Parent's Guide To Online SafetyPractical, issue-focused information and advice for parents of children of all ages, to help guide children toward safe, enjoyable experiences online.PDF, 4.3 MB
Parent Technology PlatformsPDF, 899 KB
Songs- Guthrie Street SongsAdvance Australia Fair & The Guthrie Street PS SongPDF, 262 KB
Social Emotional Wellbeing ManualPDF, 256 KB
Parent Information BookletPDF, 1.7 MB
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund